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What Can A Blind Man Teach Us About . . . Faith?
Mark 10:46-52

I. Who was Bartimaeus?
a) one of “the least of these”
b) a blind beggar legitimized by the striped beggar’s cloak he was required to wear.
c) his name meant “son of the unclean one”
d) he was an “outcast” from society

Ii. Bartimaeus was one who made Jesus “stop” in His tracks! (V 49)
a) He recognized Jesus with the Messianic title of ‘Son of David’.
b) He demonstrates for us an incredible, mountain moving faith.

III. The faith of Bartimaeus show us 3 things when he asked Jesus to let him see:
a) He asked with HUMILITY (v47) - “Have mercy on me!”
b) He asked TENACIOUSLY (vv 47-48) He kept on asking. He wouldn’t quiet down!
c) He asked EXPECTANTLY (v50) He threw his cloak aside!

In turn, Bartimaeus received sight. He exchanged his Beggar’s cloak for a “robe of righteousness”.

This week, can you practice having the same kind of faith as Bartimaeus??

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