Sunday Small Groups
Our Small Groups provide a time for adults to pray, study God’s Word, and develop community after worship service on Sundays. Come join us during this time where we have witnessed amazing spiritual growth develop in individuals and groups.
Day/Time: Sundays 11 AM
Location: Varies
Our ESL class is open to anyone needing help with their English language skills. This free class is open to all faith and ethnic backgrounds. No appointment or registration required.
Day/Time: Mondays 10 AM
Location: 2nd Floor Computer Lab
Fellowship Groups
The Graffiti Men of God (GMOGs), the Graffiti Women (GW's), and the Listeners Group meet on varying* Sundays after the morning service to fellowship and support each other. All men and women over the age of 18 are welcome to join us.
Day/Time: Sundays* at 12:15 PM
Location: Varies
Wednesday Meal
Jesus said, “I was hungry and thirsty and you gave me something to eat and drink.” One in six Americans experiences hunger on a daily basis and 1.5 million New Yorkers live in poverty. All are welcome.
Day/Time: Wednesdays 5:30 PM
Location: Downstairs Fellowship Hall
Free Lunch In The Park
Each Saturday*, except the first Saturday of the month, we partner with other churches to provide bag lunches and basic seasonal necessities to those in need in our community. All are welcome.
Day/Time: Saturdays* 1 PM
Location: Corner 7th St and Ave B
Clothing CLoset
Jesus said, “I was naked and you clothed me.” For those needing clothes we have a weekly free clothing distribution. For those seeking work clothing, a referral is required from a back to work agency or equivalent.
Day/Time: Wednesdays 5:30-6:30 PM
Location: Downstairs Fellowship Hall
Special Events
Graffiti offers several special events during the year including the clothing sale, community health day, Christmas Dinner, and Thanksgiving Dinner. Visit our events calendar to find where you can participate.
Day/Time: Varies
Location: Varies