
Graffiti Gideon Givers

Graffiti is looking for 300 monthly donors!

Together we can provide food, clothing and programs for our community! Any amount you give will help Graffiti show God’s love in practical ways to our neighbors in NYC. 

How much should I give? 

  • Lunch Money for a Month: $300 can provide a month of programs for children, youth or adults in our community.
  • Coffee Money for a Month: $150 a month can provide 100 dinners at our Wednesday night meal.
  • A Water Bottle a Day: $60 a month can provide healthy snacks for one child in our after school program for a month or a week of English classes for one student in our program.
  • Any Amount: Will help us share God’s love in practical ways to those in need in our city.


Make checks payable to "Graffiti Community Ministries" and mail to:
205 E. 7th Street
New York, NY 10009
Memo: Gideon Givers

If you have questions or concerns about giving you can reach us at 212-473-0044 or email info@graffitichurch.org.

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