Why Do You Keep Saying…

Graffiti that says upside down

…Things Are Upside Down?

“These people who have turned the world upside down have come here also.” Acts 17:6

Jesus was sort of upside-down. The last will be first. We will find our life when we lose it. The one who humbles himself will be exalted. The ancient world even called the beatitudes the “paradoxes of Christ.” In essence, the beatitudes say “Happy are the unhappy.” What?

The good news story is upside-down. God came to earth to make things right and he was killed by the supposed enemies of God. When Jesus asked why God had forsaken him, in a sense, Jesus became the “God-forsaken God.”
But life is like that–the agonizing contradictions of the story of our Master are what make the story so powerful. It makes one want to keep reading…

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